Do students have homework for their courses?

Students are required to prepare independent coursework before coming to weekly practices.

LearningLeaders is at the vanguard of educational pedology. As such our class structure follows the flipped classroom method of education.  Homelearning is an essential part of that educational process. In the flip class room method students study the material at home and come prepared to apply it in the class.

The first part of this educational process is the student-lead lesson. Students are required to watch lesson videos and take notes. In lessons, students lead a lesson on the material. Teaching others is the single most effective way to demonstrate mastery of a subject and one of the most effective ways to learn material.

The second part of the educational process is the daily activity where student practically apply what they have learned to a debate context. Both of these stages of the classroom experience allow students to use what they have learned with a coach on-hand to provide guidance if they encounter an obstacle. In the traditional class structure students apply the days lesson at home with no support to aid them if they encounter an obstacle.

Finally, students are expected to study a Topic Guide in preparation for each debate. By having done this research at home students come to the debate not only ready to demonstrate mastery of a skill but having researched and prepared for the debate beforehand. This means that discussions with team member before the debate are more fruitful and productive. This leads to a more enjoyable debate experience for everyone.