How do I choose which course to take?

Students are required to take a placement test before deciding on the course. Our coach will recommend a suitable course based on students' skill levels.

For each student, we will have a placement test, and our placement test coach will recommend courses that suit you the best.

The Placement Test is the first step of your LearningLeaders journey. It will help us get to know you better and understand your debate and public speaking skill levels. With our standard evaluative criteria, we can better group students with similar skill sets and maximize the in-class experience.

After enrolling in our course, we will contact you to book a placement test time slot on Zoom. In the placement test, you will participate in a modified debate with the coach, but don't worry if you do not have any debate experience, you will understand the process through our instruction file. And don't be nervous, the coach will not judge if you win or lose. Rather, we will evaluate your skill levels and decide on the suitable courses, so take a deep breath and take it easy! The placement test will test students on: 1) Content, 2) Organization, 3) Engagement, 4) Delivery, 5) English proficiency(but they don’t need to be native English speakers, they only need to be able to comprehend instruction and express themselves).

After the placement test, the coach will give your feedback and suitable courses based on your performance. Later, you can choose a course time slot based on your availability and interests.