Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
Unlock the secrets to effective communication and enhance your skills with these expert tips.
Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
Explore how regular competition can enhance critical thinking skills in public speakers and debaters.
Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
Learn how to effectively manage your time as a debater to maximize productivity and performance.
Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
Discover the crucial skill that sets apart successful debaters from the rest.
Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
Explore the power of deductive reasoning in the realm of debate and how it can be a game-changer for debaters looking to strengthen their arguments and win competitions.
Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
Discover the hidden strategies and advanced techniques that top debaters use to secure victory in British Parliamentary debates.
Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
Learn how to avoid these common mistakes and improve your debating skills
Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
Explore the distinct roles and responsibilities within a debate team, and how they contribute to the dynamics of a British Parliamentary Debate.
Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
Delve into the strategic world of Points of Information (POIs) in British Parliamentary Debate and learn how to effectively utilize them to enhance your debating skills.
Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
Delve into the power of logos in literature and how it influences persuasion and rhetoric in writing.