Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
Discover the art of persuasion and learn how to write a compelling speech that captivates your audience. This blog post provides expert insights and practical tips for crafting an impactful ...
Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
Public speaking can be a daunting task, especially for those who struggle with self-doubt and anxiety. But it is an important skill to master, not just for academic or professional success, but also ...
Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
Have you ever sat through a speech and felt bored or confused? Public speaking can be challenging, but one simple technique can make a significant difference in the impression you leave on your ...
Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
So what exactly is body language? Body language refers to the nonverbal cues that individuals use to communicate their thoughts, feelings, and intentions. These cues can include facial expressions, ...
Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
Hi there! Welcome back! In the first part of this article, you learned how to incorporate pop culture into your speech. Now, it’s time to focus on how to find, and then analyze, stories that are ...
Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
Importance of debate and public speaking skills Developing strong debate and public speaking skills is absolutely crucial for children as it has the power to transform various aspects of their lives. ...
Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
In the first part of this article, you learned how the criteria of “analysis” is used to evaluate an impromptu speech. In this part of the article, we’ll examine the other two criteria: organization ...
Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
The importance of communication skills in the workplace Effective communication skills are essential for success in the workplace. Whether it's presenting ideas to colleagues, negotiating with ...
Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
When playing a tennis match, there is a clear and precise set of rules that governs the match. There are lines marking where the ball can and cannot go. There are timers to measure how long the ...
Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
What are Public Speaking and Debating Skills? Public speaking and debating skills refer to the ability to effectively communicate ideas, opinions, and arguments in a public setting. It involves the ...